ya, like the ultra modern restaurants and trains that were taylor made for chain smokers or all the futuristic tv shows spotlighting the virtues of being an accomodating housewife or mistress. but seriously...one of the more impressive things was at an electronics store where i put on a translation helmet and spoke english and watched as it spelled my voice out in japanese on a monitor for a technician assisting me. for the most part it worked. incredibleness.
Looks like your big toe would be awfully lonely in there...I tihnk I may be skipping out on this trend.
i'm gettin' on it like a pony. almost enough reason to go back.
chuck... you must have seen a bunch of "ahead of their time" products while in Japan, no?
ya, like the ultra modern restaurants and trains that were taylor made for chain smokers or all the futuristic tv shows spotlighting the virtues of being an accomodating housewife or mistress. but seriously...one of the more impressive things was at an electronics store where i put on a translation helmet and spoke english and watched as it spelled my voice out in japanese on a monitor for a technician assisting me. for the most part it worked. incredibleness.
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