Saturday, October 22, 2005

Star Pork


Anonymous said...

wow. i really do think the site has hit a new low. can we steer clear of 7th grade humor and tasteless images? i'm disappointed in this post and the one below. there just so much great humor out there, so much in fact that it's really quite unnecessary to post low blows about fat people, star wars sex, weiners, boobs, etc. (see also the material depicted in the etchings on the windows of your junior high school bus).

i feel strongly about this because i really believe in the power of humor as an impetus to communicate satire and a thought process you can't find anywhere else. it's a way to laugh at our world by examination. so when it's reduced to degradation and knee jerk, low brow comedy then you no longer have 'the simpsons' you have 'beavis and butthead', you no longer have 'seinfeld' you 'friends'. there's such a distinction between things that make us laugh and examine vs. things that just titillate and leave us with nothing. of course this is just my snobbish view of humor...of course anybody can post anything on this site, but i can't sit back in silence or choose to be a part of it. alright i'm done ranting.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Chuck

elnellis said...

i agree, chuck- i am removing my posting referred to above as "the one below." it was my wife that called me on my posting of the fat lady. "do you really want this site to be about making fun of fat people?" no, i don't. the idea wasn't about jr.high poop and sex and fatness humor. i want it to be more thoughtful too.
not to scare everyone away from posting thier findings, but lets not let this get lame.

Lian said...

Yeah, there's plenty of sites with this kind of crap.

bryan nixon said...

two things are happening for me right now...the first is a level of conviction about my personal responsibility about what i choose to post. Chuck your words are strong, kind, and well received by me...i agree fully what you've written.

second, i am proud to be a part of a group of posters who are willing to reflect upon themselves as we reflect upon what is posted. whats this? accountability in the blogging realm?! to which i say right on!

thank you chuck, phil, and everyone else.

Anonymous said...

right on fellas (and Ruth)

Aaron said...

i'm in agreement with y'all. this kind of humour is a dime a dozen and really doesn't deserve the extra recognition. so, while we all may have different tastes and conclusions as to what is funny, let's try not to waste each other's time here with cheap thrills and jr. high jokes. (i get enough of that at work!)

NJ Lawyer said...

I dont know still made me laugh. But I get your point, it does seem to not fit with the rest of the photos. However, I think we all have a little jr high humor in us for the rest of our lives.