Friday, April 07, 2006

if you don't like the weather... just wait 5 minutes....


elnellis said...

we'll take the one on the left, please.

elnellis said...

ps, glad to see noah is a fan of sylas.

Becky said...

moments like that one make me really excited to have a friend with i can enjoy the former and flee at the first sign of the latter!

Lian said...

First is the joyous act of pooping...and then the not so joyous act of sitting in it.

Aaron said...

and then comes the even less joyous act of changing diapers...
i should've included a 3rd frame of me crying...

Anonymous said...

man i just keep lookin' at this and find myself completely fascinated by lack of change in posture or time elapse between doc jekyll and mr hyde. what happened?

Aaron said...

chuck...i asked lydia if there was a story behind this and she didn't think so. it doesn't take much to disrupt the delicate equilibrium of a child's mood...
maybe he cried because we told him we were going to put the first picture on the internet, and fortunately we were able to use both shots...

Anonymous said...

my prayers are with you for the next 18 years my friend. raising a kid is heroic.

Aaron said...

thanks, chuck.
although we have logged almost a year already, so can i negotiate your 18 down to a 17?
just kidding... it has it's tribulations, but the joys far outweigh them... it's hard work but probably the best adventure i've ever jumped into!